Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Sunday night service

In Brazil our main service of the week is on a Sunday night at 6:30 pm. In the morning we have Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. I led the Sunday night service and young lawyer and Bible College graduate Murilo preached on Matthew 16:13-20. It was an excellent sermon. The praise and worship was led by Sacha, Marina and Fabio on vocals, Rogério on keyboard, Rogaciano on guitar, Ricardinho on bass guitar and Netinho on drums. This group is very good indeed. It was a lovely service with a full church.

On my trip to Ipueira I saw 3 species of birds I hadn't seen for some time. I saw Yellow-chinned Spinetails, a pair of Blue-black Grassquits, and a pair of White-throated Seedeaters.

Today a university professor, Dr. Flávia Moura, is starting research at Green Pastures into termites. Her work, together with her team, will not disrupt the camp preparation as they will be out in the bush doing their work. This reminds me to ask you to please pray for the Carnival Camp which starts this Saturday. 🙏

I am very pleased to have completed my résumé of the Pentateuch. To cover all the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy took exactly 5 months. That's 187 chapters in 150 days which isn't bad with everything else I have on. 

Linda is our cook at Green Pastures and her husband Geraldo has just died of cancer a few hours ago. Liz went and broke the news to her. So I will have a funeral to conduct between now and tomorrow. Please pray.


  1. Lamentamos profundamente pela partida do esposo da nossa Ir. Linda. Deus a console e a fortaleça.

  2. Que Deus lhe use pastor.

  3. Meus mais sinceros sentimentos para Linda e sua famila. Oro para que o Santo Espirito lhes traga conforto!

  4. Que Deus console o coração da família.

  5. Margaret Gusmão2/27/2025 3:48 pm

    Que Deus console Linda e todos os seus familiares! 🙏🏼🙌🏼🌷
