Moses says that if a dead body is found and nobody knows who the murderer is then the elders of the nearest town should take a heifer and break its neck in a valley after which priests will give a blessing. Then the elders will wash their hands over the heifer and declare that they had not killed or see killed the deceased. In this way the blood shed in the killing will be atoned for.
Moses says that if in battle someone fancies a beautiful woman it would be fine to take her as a wife. She would need to shave her head, trim her nails, change clothes and mourn her parents for a month. If the relationship didn't work out it could end, but she could not be sold as a slave.
Moses then goes on to emphasize the rights of the firstborn son. He says that in the case of polygamy and a man having 2 wives he couldn't swap the firstborn's birthright just because he preferred a particular mother. He says that independent of wifely preferences the firstborn son had to receive a double share of his father's wealth.
Moses follows this with drastic treatment of a stubborn and rebellious son saying that he must be stoned to death! Moses also says that in the case of a man being executed and hung on a tree, the dead body should not be left there overnight because he "who is hung on a tree is under God's curse".
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