Sunday, 9 February 2025


Liz and I went for a nice long walk at Green Pastures on Friday afternoon and saw an abundance of Tropidurus hispidus and Tropidurus semitaeniatus lizards. We also saw Rock Cavies, Cavies and 4 wild tortoises. Bird life was also plentiful with Rufous-browed Peppershrikes, White-tipped Doves, Spotted Nothuras, White-naped Jays and Red-cowled Cardinals. Rufous-bellied Thrushes and Campo Troupials are nesting near the meeting hall, as when the rains start the birds start nesting as rain means an abundance of caterpillars and butterflies etc. for them to eat.

Yesterday afternoon Liz went to visit Vanessa who is a member of the Patos church and is not well. She lives in the village of Campo Comprido 8 km from Patos.

Last night I led the service at our Green Pastures church and I preached too on 'the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ' (John 1:17). It was a lovely service with the praise led by Érika, Netinho and Rogério. Josué, Paulo Silas, Fred, Dodora, Fabricia and Julio also took part.

Last night too a youth group went to Ipueira in Rio Grande do Norte in support of Dedé and the Christians in Action group who go there weekly seeking to plant a church. We have 5 members there. Please pray for Ipueira. 

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