Moses now gives a list of minor laws like keep your eye out for your neighbours stray animals and help them recapture them, or get the fallen ones back on their feet. Women must not wear men's clothing or vice versa. If you find a bird's nest with mother and young you can take the young but not the mother! When you build a new house make a parapet around the roof to avoid falls. Don't plant 2 kinds of seed in your vineyard, don't plough with an ox and a donkey, don't wear clothes made of wool and linen and put tassels on the 4 corners of your cloak.
Moses goes on to say that if a couple get married but the man finds that he dislikes the woman and so slanders her saying she hadn't been a virgin when they married, the matter will go before the elders. There the girl's parents will produce evidence that she had been a virgin showing a cloth stained by blood from the wedding night! In this case the man will be fined 1 kilo of silver which will be paid to the father, and the man will not be allowed to divorce the woman. However if the girl's virginity can't be proved then she will be stoned to death.
If a man is caught having sex with another man's wife they both must be put to death. If a man has sex with an engaged virgin both must die. She will die because she didn't scream for help and he will die for having violated somebody else's wife. But if a man rapes an engaged virgin only the man shall die as the girl had screamed for help out in the country where nobody heard her. If a man rapes a virgin who is not engaged he will pay a half kilo of silver fine, marry the girl, and never be allowed to divorce her. Finally Moses says that a man is not to marry his father's wife.
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