Wednesday, 5 February 2025


I am glad to report that our 9-year-old granddaughter Amanda is finally on the mend in her health. Thank you for praying. She had 2 visits to the hospital to go on a drip for dehydration but now she is getting back to normal. And our 17-year-old granddaughter Alice has just started her university course in Psychology this week. Please pray for her too. 

Please pray for the little 6-year-old girl called Helloá who was bitten by a rattlesnake. Sadly it took a long time to give her the antidote as they had run out here in Patos and the nearest place which had it was Itaporanga. Now the doctors fear the child will be left with side effects as her eye sight is strange, and blood tests show something wrong with her kidneys too.

Liz was involved in a long counselling session yesterday about a very delicate subject I can't go into here.


  1. 👏👏👏👏

  2. Deborah Medcraft: praying🙏🏻

  3. Lord have mercy, praying 🤲

  4. Em oração para que o Senhor restaure plenamente a saúde da garotinha. Que bom saber que Amanda está se recuperando. Que o Senhor abençoe Alice nessa nova etapa da sua vida!
