Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Deuteronomy 9 (résumé): Not because of Israel's Righteousness

Moses went on to tell Israel that upon crossing the Jordan God will give the victory despite the strength of the opposing armies and warriors. The Israelites will drive out the incumbent people and annihilate them. But Israel should be careful not to think that their victories are because of their own righteousness. God will give the victory to Israel because of the incumbent nations' wickedness and because of his covenant promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Moses then goes on to remind the Israelites of two classic examples of their stiff-necked rebellious attitudes to God. First of all the case of the creation of a golden calf idol when Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the law from God. Just because Moses took a long time the people slipped into rebellious idolatry. (Exodus 32) In the second place was the case of Israel abandoning faith in God and becoming despaired at the negative reports by the majority of spies sent into Canaan. (Numbers 13 and 14) In both these cases God was tremendously angry and was about to destroy the Israelites, had Moses not fervently interceded for forgiveness from God.  Thus Moses reminded Israel of their weaknesses which could not be repeated in Canaan. 

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