Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Deuteronomy 11 (résumé): Love & Obey the Lord

This is another chapter in which Moses reminds the Israelites of the past to prepare them for the future in the promised land. He tells them to teach everything to their children as they had not experienced God's multiple miracles like at the Red Sea or when the earth swallowed up Dathan, Abiram and their families. Moses stressed that the people must love God and keep his commands. He says that they will live long and blessed in Canaan if they are loyal to God.  For God will send them abundant rain for their crops and cattle if they are faithful, but if they are not then God will withhold the rain. Moses says that they should fix his advice in their hearts, tie it on their hands and bind it on the foreheads because they must love God, walk in his ways and hold fast to him. If they do this they will conquer the land in the strength of the Lord.

Moses says that he is setting a blessing and a curse before them. The blessing will be assured if they obey God and the curse will come if they disobey. He says they should pronounce the blessings from Mount Gerizim and the curses on Mount Ebal. 

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