Friday, 14 February 2025

Deuteronomy 15 (résumé): The year for cancelling debts

This chapter shows great anti-poverty values focusing on social justice. For every 7th year was to be a year of cancelling debts for fellow Israelites. Obedience to God in this would lead to great national prosperity. Those better off are taught to not be "tight fisted" towards the poor. Rather they are to be generous to the poor and do so "without a grudging heart". 

Then too all Israelite slaves should be released on the 7th year of release and they should not be set free empty handed but should be given sheep, grain and wine. However if a slave has become attached to his master and family and doesn't want to leave, then his ear should be pierced as a sign of commitment and he or she will become servants for life. 

Finally in this chapter Moses reminds Israelites of their responsibility to give the firstborn of their herds and flocks to God. Any animal with a defect should be eaten and not sacrificed to God. However care should be taken not to eat blood. 

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