Moses now says that if after suffering curses because of disobedience, and being dispersed among the nations, Israel repents and comes back to the Lord, then God will restore their fortunes and gather them again from around the world. Repentant Israel will be made more prosperous and more numerous than ever, and God will turn the tables putting the curses on the enemy. Faithful Israel will experience prosperity again under the delight of the Lord as they keep God's commands and love him with heart and soul.
In the second part of this chapter Moses goes on to stress that the option Israel is facing is a matter of life and death. He emphasizes that obedience to God is within their reach because the word is near them; it is in their mouth and heart to be obeyed. Moses says the choice could not be more clear as it is a choice between life and prosperity and death and destruction! God's command is to love him with everything, walk in his ways and obey his commands. Moses challenges Israel to always choose life so that they and their children may live!
Este capitulo é belissimo! Assim como Israel, temos a Palvra do Senhor diante de nós, não temos desculpa para não obedecê-la.