Moses now shows how much God will bless the people if they fully obey the Lord, and on the other hand how much he will curse them if they are unfaithful. He says obedience will mean blessing everywhere, with human and animal fertility plus productive crops. He says that obedience means victory over enemies, blessings on the barns, abundant prosperity, and plentiful rain in the season. With obedience God will make Israel the head and not the tail - the top and not the bottom!
On the other hand disobedience would mean comprehensive cursing in the city or country, upon the womb, crops and livestock. It would mean being cursed at all times and in everything. Moses says that if the people forsake the Lord he will plague everyone with diseases plus scorching heat and drought! In this case Israel's enemies will defeat them and their carcasses will be food for the vultures! Disobedience and unfaithfulness will result in ill health such as tumours, festering sores, and the incurable itch! The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and confused minds. Without God everything will go wrong. You will be engaged to be married but another man will ravish the girl, you will build a house but not live in it, and you will plant a vineyard without enjoying its fruit. With unfaithfulness will come a decimation of the livestock and the sons and daughters will go abroad, and will be afflicted with boils from head to feet. Disobedience will lead to exilic and pagan experiences, and you will plant a lot but harvest little! The foreigner will rise up but unfaithful Israel will sink low. God will put an iron yoke on Israel and they will end up serving their enemies. Unfaithfulness will bring disaster for Israel's livelihoods and livestock as a foreign nation will dominate Israel. This nation will besiege Israel leading even to cannibalism as a means of survival! Mothers will even eat their afterbirths! Just as the Lord had pleasure in prospering faithful Israel so he will be pleased to ruin and destroy them in their unfaithfulness. And God will scatter Israel amongst the nations and they will end up as worthless slaves.
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