Nobody with crushed or cut off genitals may enter the assembly of the Lord. This was a protest against heathen cultic practices. Nor could anyone enter the assembly who was the fruit of an adulterous or incestuous relationship or marriage. No Ammonite or Moabite or their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord either. However the Edomites and Egyptians should be treat as friends and their third generation could enter the assembly.
When the Israelites went to war they should keep things pure and clean. If a man had a nocturnal emission he was to purify himself outside the camp during that day. People should have little shovels to cover their excrement when necessary.
Runaway slaves should be helped and not oppressed. No Israelite man or woman should work as a cultic pagan temple prostitute. Do not charge interest on loans to your fellow Israelites, although you can charge foreigners. Take vows seriously and keep them before God. Upon entering someone's vineyard you can eat the grapes, but don't put them in your basket. So too when entering a cornfield pick corn but don't use a sickle.
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