Moses is about to die so he gives his parting blessings upon the tribes of Israel, although he misses out on Simeon. Moses starts by exalting the glory and majesty of God before blessing each tribe. He starts with a very brief blessing upon Reuben in just 11 words. Next comes Judah calling upon God to help them against all their foes in 27 words. Then comes Levi who has a longer blessing of a full 4 verses which includes a blessing on their skills and the work of their hands. Next Benjamin's blessing has 27 words and focuses resting secure in God. Then come 4 long verses in the blessing upon Joseph with strong environmental comments about dew, deep waters, sun, moon, mountains, hills, earth and burning bush. Then come the briefest of blessings on Ephraim (7 words), Manasseh (6 words) and Zebulun (10 words). These are followed by the blessing on Issachar who "will feast on the abundance of the seas". This is followed by a 2 verse blessing upon Gad who is likened to a lion and then a 13 word blessing on Dan who is likened to a lion's cub. Next comes a full verse of blessing upon Naphtali who "is abounding in the favour of the Lord" and finally Asher saying that his strength will equal his days. Moses closes by pointing all to God "who rides on the heavens to help you" ... saying "blessed are you oh Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord?"
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