Monday, 24 February 2025

Deuteronomy 32 (résumé): The Song of Moses

This chapter contains an anthem-like poem which is the Song of Moses. It is a prophetic testimony lamenting Israel's eventual unfaithfulness to God and his judgement upon them. The song commences by praising God for his justice, faithfulness and greatness. It describes how God cared for Israel making it a great nation like an eagle nurtures her young. Yet despite God's wonderful care Israel would forget God and ignore his guidance, turning instead to pagan gods which greatly anger the Lord kindling a fire of wrath which would burn to Sheol. Therefore God said he would send curses on the Israelites: calamities, famine, pestilence, plague, wild beasts, venomous vipers, and violence. Then the song goes on to criticize Israel's senseless attitudes in which they fail to think about the long term. Yet it says that the Lord will judge his people and have compassion on those who love him. And the song ends exalting the greatness of God which is utterly superior to all the gods! God puts to death and brings to life, he wounds and heals and nobody can free from his hand. Moses and Joshua spoke all these words to Israel exhorting them to take great heed to the message of the song. For these "are not just idle words - they are life"!

On that same day God told Moses to go up Mount Nebo where he would die. Before dying he would overlook the promised land which he would not enter because he broke faith with God many years earlier at the waters of Meribah.

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