Wednesday, 29 January 2025


Our Campina Grande - Catolé church has also started a keep fit and healthy group! They have formed a running group led by Pastor Wostenes!

I spent the entire day Monday catching up with a variety of administrative issues both linked to churches in Brazil and with churches in the UK.

6 people have been injured in the interior of São Paulo whilst swimming in a lake. They were attacked by Piranhas which are in their breeding season and have rather sharp teeth!

Please pray for our 17 Action Schools as they come to the end of their holidays and prepare for another school year.

Please pray too for our 9-year-old granddaughter Amanda who is unwell with dehydration and was put on a drip yesterday in hospital outpatients. 

We are now doing aquarobics twice a week to keep us fit. We enjoy it very much.

Last night Liz and I visited Geraldo, a 73-year-old car mechanic who has cancer. We read the Bible and prayed with him. Geraldo is a backslidden Christian. Please pray for him.

It is encouraging to see how blessed my book on the history of the work here is being to our leaders. All glory be to God.


  1. Sinto muito ouvir sobre a situação da Amanda, orando para que ela fique bem logo 🙏🏻
    É muito bom poder acompanhar o Ministério de vocês! Que Deus continue usando vocês, que são exemplo pra nós!

  2. O grupo de corrida em Campina Grande, cresce em comunhão! Não participo por não poder praticar essa atividade por enquanto. Mas, sei que enquanto caminham conversam e compartilham suas lutas e vitórias

  3. Em oração pelos pedidos feito! Espero que Amanda esteja bem! Eu vou começar pelo menos a caminha kkk a corrida nao consigo ainda ! Mas uma iniciativa abençoada para fortalecer a comunhao dos irmãos.
