Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Deuteronomy 6 (résumé): Love the Lord your God

In this chapter the preparations continue for the Israelites to cross the Jordan and possess the promised land of Canaan, stressing that their priorities must be love for God and obedience to his commandments. These key factors of love and obedience must be instilled in the children Moses says. Deuteronomy 6 is an important text as it contains the Jewish confession of faith known as the Shema. 

Moses declares that the people must love the Lord, their God, with all their hearts, souls and strength. Moses says that people must impress this on their children and that everyone should imbibe this in their hearts. People should always talk about this wherever they go and should surround themselves with this conviction and commitment. 

Moses also stresses that everyone must be careful to not forget God once they are installed in cities they did not build and have vineyards and olive groves they did not plant. Moses continues that they must keep clear of other gods and they must do what is right and good in the Lord's sight.

Then when the children ask why so many laws and decrees the parents should recount all that God had done for Israel leading to their commitment and covenant with him.  


  1. Manoel B Lucena

    Achei muito interessante o terceiro topico

  2. Amém, que nós possamos sempre obedecer a Deus, ensinar nossas crianças, o amor de Deus. É maravilhosa essa história 😃
