Monday, 13 January 2025

Numbers 18 (résumé): Priests & Levites

Following on from the Korah's rebellion God reemphasized his support for the priesthood of Aaron and his sons, supported by the rest of the Levite tribe as assistants. Aaron and his sons were to care for the sanctuary and its furnishings whilst the rest of the Levites were to support keeping the Tabernacle free from intrusions punishable by death.

Then God said that part of the offerings belonged to the priests such as the wave offerings, the finest oil, the finest wine, the first fruits of the harvest and the firstborn of all clean animals brought to the Tabernacle. The priests and their families could eat all this freely along as they weren't ceremonially unclean. Other support for the priests came from a firstborn tax of 5 silver shekels each as too was the case with firstborn unclean animals.

On the other hand none of the Levites owned land but they received tithes from the people instead. The Levites gave a tithe of the tithes to the priests.

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