Our little church at Passagem, which is half an hour's drive east of Patos, has just re-done the church front and it looks lovely. The church is led by Eduardo and Cleide. Please pray for them and this church.
According to a new study by UNICEF 55.9% of children and adolescents in Brazil live in poverty. This is an improvement on the previous figures but is still awfully high.
I saw the following birds: a Red-cowled Cardinal, a Picui Ground Dove, a Southern Wren and a Crested Caracara today. And I forgot to mention that on our way home from Itaporanga on Wednesday I saw a White-eared Opossum and we all smelt a Skunk!
Yesterday QPR won 1 x 0 away to Plymouth! 😁
Last night I preached in Itaporanga in the final street service in front of our church of the 10-day evangelistic outreach. It was a lovely jubilant service. The journey home was slow owing to constant driving rain, but we made it safe and sound. We got to bed at 1:30 am.
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