Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Numbers 35 (résumé): Towns for the Levites

The Levites didn't inherit any land, as they were exclusively dedicated to God, so the question was where would they live upon entry into the Land of Canaan? This was solved by each tribe giving a total of 48 towns to the Levites, with surrounding pasture land for their animals, and 6 of these towns were towns of refuge. The land around each Levite town measured about 900 metres on each side.

The towns of refuge were places that killers could go to before standing trial. If there were multiple witnesses they would receive capital punishment as murderers. If the killing was judged to be accidental then the killer would be safe in the town of refuge from any would be avenger, and the killer would have to stay there until the death of the high priest.

At the end of the chapter the concept that shedding blood pollutes the land is found. Some theologians link such a concept to the flood being a purification for such defilement of the land.

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