When Israel was at a place called Shittim the men engaged in sexual immorality with Moabite women coupled with spiritual immorality worshipping their god Baal of Peor. God was horrified with this and told Moses to kill the leaders involved with this and make a public spectacle of their executions.
Then an Israelite man named Zimri openly brought into the Israelite camp a Midianite woman called Cozbi and took her to his tent to have sex with her. Upon seeing this disrespect for God and his people the grandson of Aaron, Phineas, took a spear and drove it through both of them, and this halted a plague of God's anger which killed 24,000 people!
So God told Moses that from then onwards they should treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them. Quite how this worked out for Moses I don't know as he was married to a Midianite.
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