Saturday, 18 January 2025

Numbers 26 (résumé): The second census

In this chapter, on the plains of Moab by the River Jordan, God told Moses and the priest Eleazar to take the second census of men 20 years old and over who were fit to fight in the army. This census was taken about 40 years after the first one and revealed changes in size in the tribes of Judah, Manasseh and Ephraim, and that the tribe of Simeon had decreased in size considerably. God had raised up a new generation of Israelites to enter the promised land replacing those who died in the wilderness.

This census showed the following tribal strengths: Reuben (43,730), Simeon (22,200), Gad (40,500), Judah (76,500), Issachar (64,300), Zebulun (60,500), Manasseh (52,700), Ephraim (32,500), Benjamin (45,600), Dan (64,400), Asher (53,400) and Naphtali (45,400). This made a total of 601,730 fighting men (down from 603,550 in the first census). All those counted in the first census had died except Caleb and Joshua.

God said that upon entering Canaan the land was to be divided up between everyone by casting lots. The 23,000 Levites (males 1 month old upwards) would not receive land as they were set aside in the service of God.

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