The events of this chapter occurred at Kibroth Hattaavah. The people hadn't been on the move for long and they were complaining about how hard things were! God was angered by this and sent fire to burn parts of the outskirts of the camp, but thanks to the intercession of Moses this was halted.
Next came complaints about the boring food provided by God with manna provided 6 days a week. The Israelites said that the diet was more varied in Egypt and they wanted meat! So God enabled 70 leaders to share the work load with Moses and anointed them with the spirit as was upon Moses and they prophesied.
Then God sent a strong wind which drove quail from the sea leaving them a metre deep on the ground, until the people had quail coming out of their noses! But God's anger was still ablaze and he killed some complainers with a plague.
em todo tempo o povo de Deus sempre reclamarão. Hoje em dia não dia ainda muitos e gratos . em de louvar ao todo poderoso Deus.