Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Genesis 50 (résumé): The mourning of Jacob

Upon his father's death Joseph threw himself upon him, wept and kissed him. Then he directed the doctors to commence the 40-day embalming process and the Egyptians mourned for 70 days. After this Joseph communicated his father's wish to be buried in the land of Canaan to Pharoah which he supported. So Joseph departed accompanied by all the dignitaries of Egypt, all his household and his brothers. This very large crowd travelled together with chariots and horsemen and when they arrived near the River Jordan they observed a further 7 days of mourning. Then they proceeded to the family ancestral burial cave in Canaan where they buried Jacob before all returning to Egypt. However Joseph's brothers feared retribution for their evil acts of the past from Joseph now that their father was dead and buried but Joseph reassured them that this would not happen. Joseph and all the family remained in Egypt where Joseph died and was buried at the age of 110.  

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