Sunday, 6 October 2024

Genesis 24 (résumé): Isaac and Rebekah

This is a romantic chapter. Abraham got his chief servant to solemnly swear to him that he would travel to find his son Isaac a wife. For Abraham did not want Isaac to marry a local Canaanite but wanted him to marry someone of his original family stock. The servant asked what he should do if the girl would not go with him, and Abraham answered that God would send an angel before him so that things would work out. Then the servant went with 10 camels and many gifts and travelled to Nahor where he stopped by a well and prayed for success in his mission. He asked that God would signal that he had found the right girl who came to the well by her offering him water and water for his camels. A beautiful virgin called Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, approached the well so the servant asked her for water which she gave him as well as offering to water his camels. It was the sign he had asked of God! So he gave Rebekah a 5.5 gram gold nose ring and two 110 gram gold bracelets and went to spend the night at her father's house. Rebekah's brother Laban saw the nose ring and bracelets and warmly received the servant who proceeded to explain how and why he had come seeking a wife for Isaac. Laban and Bethuel accepted the proposal as of the Lord and agreed to the marriage, so the servant gave gold and silver jewellery and clothing to Rebekah. He also gave costly gifts to Rebekah's brother and mother. The next day when the servant wanted to return to Abraham and Isaac with Rebekah there was some reticence by the family but Rebekah was resolute in her going. So Rebekah, her nurse and maids went with the family's blessing riding camels to the land of Canaan. When Rebekah saw Isaac she covered her face with a veil, the servant told Isaac the whole story and Rebekah became his wife whom he loved very much.

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