Friday, 18 October 2024

Genesis 41 (résumé): Pharoah's Dreams

Two years later, when Joseph was 30-years old, Pharoah had 2 dreams which none of his wise men could interpret. In the first there were 7 beautiful fat cows that were swallowed by 7 ugly thin cows. In the second dream Pharoah dreamt of 7 healthy heads of corn which were swallowed by 7 unhealthy heads of corn. It was then that Pharoah's chief cupbearer remembered how Joseph had interpreted his dream in the prison and he told Pharoah. So Pharoah called Joseph who, clearly giving the glory to God, interpreted the dreams. He said that both dreams meant the same thing which is that Egypt would have 7 years of abundant harvests followed by 7 years of famine. Joseph added that Pharoah needed to appoint someone to oversee the storage of grain in the years of plenty so that they have enough for the years of famine. Pharoah was so pleased with the interpretation, with the help of God, that he appointed Joseph himself to be in charge of everything in Egypt and to implement the harvest storage plan. Joseph was given total authority and Pharoah even gave him Asenath as his wife, with whom he had 2 sons Manasseh and Ephraim. So Joseph set about the storage of the abundant harvest of the 7 years of plenty so that when the famine came everyone was cared for, including neighbouring countries also affected by the drought.

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