Friday, 25 October 2024

Exodus 4 (résumé): Signs for Moses

Moses further questioned God as to what if the people didn't believe him or listen to him, so God gave him some signs to encourage faith. God told Moses to throw his staff on the ground and it became a snake, but when he picked it up it became a staff again. So too God made Moses's hand leprous and then restored it just by putting it inside his cloak. Hence Moses was to show these signs to the Hebrews to reinforce his credibility. However, Moses still placed obstacles before God saying he wasn't eloquent enough for the task, but God said he would help Moses speak. Yet still Moses resisted, asking God to send someone else, which infuriated God who said he would make Moses's brother Aaron his spokesman. Moses therefore went with his wife and children in the direction of Egypt and warned Moses that Pharoah would stubbornly resisted letting the Israelites go. On the way there was an incident because one of Moses's son's had not been circumcised. His mother placated the wrath of God by quickly circumcising him so that Moses's life was spared. Aaron joined Moses, they did the signs before the people and told them of God's concern about their situation  

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