Tuesday 3 September 2024

Missions Sunday

The first Sunday in September is always Missions Sunday in all our churches, as it was on September 2nd that Albert and Daisy Mundy first landed in Brazil back in 1938. In Patos our drama group presented a 30-minute play about missions to commemorate the 86th anniversary of this date. I wrote the play. Then Pastor Rafael brought an excellent message on 1 Corinthians 15:58 challenging the church to stand firm in missions always "giving ourselves fully to the work of the Lord."

Yesterday we received the visit of Fia who is the wife of Pastor Maesio up in the mountains at Teixeira. She had a nice long chat with Liz.

We have had an excellent meeting with senior pastor Oseias and his wife Lucia, followed by a nice lunch together. Oseias is pastor of our Itaporanga church, but he is also interim pastor of our central Princesa Isabel church which is without a pastor at the moment.

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