Saturday, 28 September 2024

Genesis 9 (résumé): After the Flood

After the flood God blessed Noah and his sons, told them to be fruitful and multiply, and encouraged hunting and fishing as means of supplying their sustenance. God clearly emphasized the sanctity of human life and Noah lived to 950 years of age. God established a covenant with Noah, his descendants and all wildlife, promising never again to flood the earth, and God gave the rainbow as the sign of this everlasting covenant. Noah planted a vineyard, got drunk on the wine and ended up laying naked in his tent. His son Ham (the father of Canaan) saw him and went and told his brothers Shem and Japheth. They got a garment to cover their father and walked in backwards so as not to see their father in the nude. When Noah awoke and discovered all that had gone on he was furious with Ham and cursed his son Canaan into slavery. On the other hand Noah was pleased with Shem and Japheth and blessed the Lord for them.

1 comment:

  1. Loving reading all the resumes. They are a real help to reading the Bible.
