Sunday 18 August 2024


I went for my usual Friday afternoon 3 km walk at Green Pastures and saw a beautiful flock of about 30 Brazilian Teal. They were swimming on the lake but took off when they saw me, but kept circling overhead. I also saw a Great Egret, a White-faced Whistling-Duck with 8 young, a White-naped Jay, a Crested Caracara and a Picui Ground-Dove. 

Yesterday QPR earned their first point of the season with a 2 x 2 draw away to Sheffield United, having been two goals down at half time.

Yesterday afternoon we held a pastors and leaders meeting online to discuss a topic linked to our Pastor Frank Dyer School in Patos and all went off smoothly. 

Last night we had a married couples evening at the church. First of all there were some ice-breaking games and then I brought a message on forgiveness. At the end everyone had a snack from the things everyone had taken. It was a nice time of warm fellowship.

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