Friday 2 August 2024


On Wednesday we took the Fiddys for lunch to the Casarao do Jabre which is a restaurant at the foot of the Jabre Peak which is the highest point in our state of Paraiba. We then went to our nearby church and school in Matureia and watched a beautiful display of country dancing by children from the 270 strong action school there. In the evening we saw 6 girls and then 6 boys playing acoustic guitars in the service at which David Fiddy preached on Psalm 121. It was a lovely service and excellent day.

Yesterday morning Liz took the Fiddys to distribute food hampers in the extremely poor borough of Patos called Serrote Liso. All went off well despite it being so difficult to select those who should receive.

Last night was the mid-week prayer and Bible study meeting at which David Fiddy was the speaker, which of course I interpreted as usual. It was a nice meeting with 30 present.

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