Sunday 14 July 2024

Wedding Bells

I have conducted many weddings over the years (just last year there were 5) but it was a first this week to conduct one on a Friday morning at 10 am! (It actually started at 10:30) It was the wedding of Thalyta and Ryury who are in their twenties but who first met some years back going to school together. Everything went off lovely with a nice reception after the service.

I went for my usual Friday afternoon walk at Green Pastures and saw 3 baby wild Guinea Pigs (the same colour as wild rabbits in the UK) scurrying off into a clump of Aloe Vera plants. (there are many of these plants at Green Pastures) I also saw the following birds: a black Shiny Cowbird, a Red-cowled Cardinal, many Picui Ground Doves, many Chalk-browed Mockingbirds and a bright yellow Great Kiskadee.

I have been having extensive discussions with our senior leadership team and have defined our social worker Marah Danielle to represent us at two events in September. First she will go to the 60+ evangelical movement's meeting in Sao Paulo and then on the way back she will go to the National evangelical Network's conference for churches involved in social action (RENAS) at Aracaju in the north-eastern state of Sergipe, which is 600 km south of Patos. 

I took the service last night at Green Pastures. There were parallel services held at Passagem and Ipueira.  

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