Tuesday 16 July 2024

Business Meeting

On Sunday morning we held a Patos church business meeting and elected 2 new deacons (Dede and Eduardo) and 1 new deaconess (Cleide). Dede leads the work at Ipueira in the State of Rio Grande do Norte and Eduardo and Cleide lead the work at Passagem. 

Our Flores church is doing an excellent work with youth in sport. We have just received an excellent report from their pastor Nemias.

I have had some important discussions with Pastor Oseias at our Itaporanga church.

I led Sunday night's main service of the week in Patos and Pastor Rafael preached. We had a special prayer of consecration for the new deacons and deaconess.

Please pray for a young person from our Patos church who has backslidden. 

Last night Liz went to a prayer meeting and there were 16 present, with another 6 young people in a separate youth prayer meeting. So 22 praying on a Monday night I think is pretty good. Praise God! 🙌

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