Wednesday 24 July 2024

Green Pastures

On Monday morning we took the Fiddy family to visit Green Pastures. First of all we showed them round the camp dormitories, bathrooms, changing rooms, meeting & dining hall and swimming pool, and explained to them how we run our camps and pastors conferences there. Then we took them along some of the nature trails in the nature reserve part of Green Pastures. They saw Chalk-browed Mockingbirds, yellow Great Kiskadees and Picui Ground Doves. 

On Monday afternoon we took our visitors to the village of Campo Comprido on the southern outskirts of Patos. David prayed for a lady whom we visited called Sueli and also prayed for a sister from our church, whom we also visited, called Vanessa. We distributed food hampers to the needy.

I have been having important discussions with different pastors: Naldinho (Ibiara), Maesio (Teixeira), Rafael (Patos), Nezinho Abilio (Barra de Oitis) and Francinaldo (Manaira). Please pray for Pastor Rafael's parents.

Yesterday afternoon we took the Fiddys to visit EAB's Pastor Frank Dyer Primary School with extension groups for teenagers on Saturdays. They met the head teacher Gerlania, teachers and pupils and the most frequent questions were if they had seen the Queen (no interest in the King) and if they had met Bellingham! We visited the adjacent area of land to the school and Pastor David led us in prayer for its purchase for the expansion of the school.

Sharks off the coast of Brazil have tested positive for cocaine with very high dosages reported, marine biologists say!

Last night we travelled with the Fiddys to Sao Mamede for a lovely street service where Margaret Fiddy brought a short word and David Fiddy preached from Psalm 13. The service was led by the Patos Chief of Police and Deacon Esau.

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