Saturday, 1 March 2025


To the north of Brazil is Venezuela which has long been in political and social upheaval under dictator President Maduro. Brazil officially has 94,726 Venezuelans immigrants who have fled their country in order to survive, but I suspect the number is far higher. In Patos, for example, you see them begging at different sets of traffic lights. They have very difficult lives. 

Brazilians are asking me what happens in the UK when someone dies. Well there is no wake to start with. Whereas in Brazil when someone dies there is a wake and then the burial normally takes place within about 24 hours, in the UK few view the body and the funeral takes place weeks later.

On Thursday night I led the mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study and it was lovely to have 14-year-old Letícia playing the guitar for the first time for the praise. She did very well. Pastor Rafael gave the study on Micah 2:1-5.

Today sees the start of our 45th Carnival Camp at Green Pastures. The speaker in tonight's opening service the speaker will be Pastor Lindon Carlos from Imaculada. Tomorrow the speaker both morning and night will be Betânia who was our missionary to Uruguay some years back. I will be leading the camp and the services. Liz will be coordinating the whole camp's logistics of food, cleaning, canteen etc. Please pray!

We are in the rainy season and the average rainfall for the month of February at Green Pastures over the last 25 years has been 137 mm, whereas this February saw just 25 mm of rain! Please pray for rain as we now need a bumper month of March to make up for the very poor February.

Last month this blog was read 6,019 times. Thank you. That is 215 per day.


  1. Triste com a situação do venezuelanos. Interessante a questão cultural sobre o velório ! Orando e já no preparo para participar do Retiro. Que o Senhor nos abençoe!

  2. Jacilene de Imaculada PB3/03/2025 11:49 am

    O Retiro como sempre será uma benção!!
    Tenho saudades do tempo que eu participava do Retiro com toda minha Família.
