Friday, 7 March 2025

Names to your comments

Thanks to everyone who reads and comments on this blog. To comment please click on the 'comments' section at the bottom of this post. Then click on the little arrow, before clicking on 'name', and put your name. Then write your comment. The comment will only appear when I have given it the OK as this avoids people trying to sell things or post pornography via the blog as sometimes happens.

Please pray for rain for us. The situation here is serious as we are in the rainy season and it is not raining!

We are receiving very positive feedback from those who were at the Carnival Camp. Many are telling of life transforming encounters with God. Praise the Lord! 🙌 One person said that the camp had been "a watershed experience" in her life.

I have finished reading 'Seven days that divide the world: the beginning according to Genesis and Science' by John C. Lennox. I found the book very interesting and challenging. 

Last night I led the mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study with Michelle and Davi leading the worship. Adriana, Romildo, Espedita and Gilmarco gave lovely words of testimony about the Carnival Camp and Pastor Rafael brought the study from Micah 2:6-11. It was a good meeting.  


  1. 👏🏻❤️

  2. Esse blog tem sido uma bênção pois, tenho replicados para vários irmãos. Trata-se de uma forma inteligente de compartilhar, onde o Pr. John tem tido oportunidades ímpares de falar com todos de maneira bem eficaz. Já faz parte de nossa rotina, visitar o seu blog. Parabéns Pr. John pela bela iniciativa. Além de nos atualizar da real situação do sertão, tem aberto o seu diário pra nós. Muito Grato. JPR.

  3. Louvado seja Deus!! Que o Senhor Jesus continue abençoando a cad irmão!! Orando para que chova !
