Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Carnival Camp (part 2)

Monday night's service at the camp was excellent with pastor Wostenes preaching on unity in the church being a result of revival and renewal. He also preached on Tuesday morning on satisfaction and fulfillment in God. The final service of the camp had Missionary Gleydice preaching on evangelistic zeal being a symptom of revival and renewal.

So we came this Wednesday morning to the end of another wonderful camp. It really was outstanding. The praise and worship was great, the work with the children was brilliant, the sport, swimming and games were very good, the food was delicious and the ministry of God's word was of the highest caliber from beginning to end.

It was lovely to see the children so enjoying the camp and playing intensely in the tree house, in the playground and in the swimming pool. The children had their own services which were really blessed.

It was great too to have fellowship with elder Alessandro and his wife and deaconess Talita who now lead the little rural church at Juá and the new church plant at Salgado de São Felix. Please pray for them.

While we were away at the camp I see that a Brazilian film won an Oscar for the first time for the film 'I'm still here' which is a true and sad story from the days of the military coup back in the 60s and 70s. I haven't seen the film yet but I am told it is very good and very moving.

I have finished reading 'Responsible Grace - John Wesley's Practical Theology' by Randy L. Maddox. It was a bit disappointing but alright.


  1. Glória a deus

  2. Foi uma benção de Deus!🙏🙏🙏

  3. Alessandro & Talita Ruas3/05/2025 3:23 pm

    A gratidão é nossa meu Pastor! Foram momentos na presença do Senhor que nunca mais esqueceremos! Queremos mais e mais.... Deus abençoe!

  4. JPR. Em cada postagem sentimos o prazer de quem escreve e somos gratos pelo privilégio de termos esses conteúdo conosco compartilhados. Obrigado Pr. John

  5. Glórias a Deus! " Aviva a tua obra!"

  6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow
