Our Sunday services went well. In the morning is Sunday School for all ages and much less go to this than in the evening when we had a church full to capacity. In the UK I notice that it is the opposite with many more in the morning services than at night. I led the evening service and associate pastor Rafael preached from Acts 9. A lovely moment in the service was when all the children came to the front to sing, with 4 of them doing the song in sign language for the deaf. Then they gave us pastors (me, associate pastor Rafael and deaf pastor Luiz Carlos) a little present (a pen with our name on it) commemorating Pastors' Day.
Yesterday I spent time dealing with a number of issues with different pastors. I also prepared a new sermon with an overview of Genesis 1-3 called 'In the beginning... God'. It will cover 5 points: God created heaven and earth, God created man and woman, the Satanic deception, the fall, and pointers to hope in Genesis 3:15.
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