Friday, 25 June 2021

Saint John's Day

Yesterday (24th) was Saint John's Day which normally is a very big party time with bonfires, loud fireworks and late night or all night dancing. This day is especially culturally important in northeast Brazil. However this year the state and municipal governments banned all the festivities to try and stem the flow of Covid-19. Some people still went ahead with their fireworks but it was a lot less than normal.

Meanwhile President Bolsonaro visited the northeast of Brazil campaigning to be re-elected next year (God forbid!). He was not wearing a mask and I saw him on videos when he made two different children remove their masks when they were performing for him!

I spent yesterday preparing a sermon to preach in Patos on the Children of Abraham from Genesis 12:1-3.

This morning I have been talking to Pastor Hamilton in Campina Grande who tells me his wife Ana Paula continues in hospital with Covid but she is improving. He says that if she continues the way she is she will hopefully be sent home by Monday. Please continue to pray for Ana Paula.

I will make my forecasts for the British teams in the football European Championship. My guess is that Wales will lose to Denmark 2 x 0 and that England will beat Germany 2 x 1.

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