Friday, 4 June 2021


I finished writing in Portuguese the history of 80 years of EAB/ACEV last night from 1938 to 2018. It has been a very big task which has taken me years to do amidst all the other aspects of work. I now need to do a complete review of all 29 chapters plus insert photos. I value your prayers for this book which I plan to publish yet this year which will be an important tool for future generations.

I had a discussion with Pastor Lindon Carlos (Imaculada) yesterday about our teaching and training of young people for Christian ministry. It is great to see that in the County of Diamante we have 5 young students doing the ISBL Bible College with 3 at the Vazante church and 2, eight kilometers away at the Barra de Oitis church. This is extremely encouraging to see. Our partnership with this excellent College online is so good for out of the way places. 

We also discussed the leadership of the Sitio Glória church in Imaculada County which is going very well. Sisters Rita and Marcia are the leaders and they are doing an excellent job. Rita is another person who is studying theology with the ISBL online Bible College. Rita and Marcia are very integral mission aware and are highly active at a community level with social action, taking part in various committees in their County.

Our Vet Marcelo Sá came home to Patos yesterday as he steadily gets over a very heavy bout of Covid-19. Marcelo had been at Campina Grande for weeks. The young man Douglas (Matureia) is being released from the Patos General Hospital today having also recovered from Covid. We have now just learnt that 24 year old Fabrício Junior and his wife Gaby, from our 1st Church at Campina Grande, have gone down with Covid. In fact it's the second time that Fabrício had had the virus. He was given probationary status as a pastor last Saturday. Please pray for this couple.

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