Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Baptismal Service

A baptismal service was held at Imaculada at the weekend. 5 were baptized from the Imaculada church plus 1 from the Sítio Glória church in the same county. We rejoice with the progress of the work in that region.

Yesterday I received a phone call from a man called Marrey who is a producer for the TV Globo which is the largest Brazilian TV network equivalent to the BBC in the UK. He phoned from the south of Brazil as he had heard of our Green Pastures Nature Reserve and Christian Conference Centre and is thinking of doing a programme about us. In the chat we had he kept asking "why on earth did you decide to do such a work in such a dry region?" I was able to tell him that Green Pastures is part of the much wider work of EAB/ACEV. We shall see what evolves. Watch this space!

Yesterday was Saint Peter's Day and the fireworks were a bit louder than on Saint John's Day, but still not as bad for fireworks as normal years.

We are sending 10 stacking plastic chairs to the Aparecida Settlement Village in São Mamede County as the little weekly outdoor services there are developing under Sister Dodora's leadership and this week some neighbours are being invited to attend. Up till now the services have been for the extended family. Please pray for this venture.

Special prayer is requested for Ana Paula in Campina Grande. She is the wife of Pastor Hamilton who leads the second EAB/ACEV church in the borough of Presidente Médici and she has now gone into intensive care with Covid.  

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