Monday, 1 March 2021


EAB has a prayer team made up of supporters who commit to praying for us and the work of EAB at some time every day. We greatly appreciate this team and all other EAB backers who pray for us because prayer changes things. It is very encouraging for our leaders when we tell them the EAB prayer team is praying for them. We have seen two of our pastors pull through Covid-19 (Wostenes & Jânio at Campina Grande) and now we have a third, José Vieira and his wife Raimunda, (at João Pessoa) down with this awful virus, but they know they are being prayed for by the EAB team every day. So I want to encourage all members of the prayer team. You can see prayer requests in this blog or in the team's group on Messenger. You can also receive prayer request updates from the team's coordinator Joy Levermore by contacting her at . 

We have a group of 16 elderly EAB supporters who receive a monthly postal snailmail update from us as they do not have email. The problem is that since flights between the UK and Brazil have been halted the Brazilian post office refuses to accept our letters. This means we now, on the first day of another month, have the third letter waiting to be sent so we are going to have to find a way round this problem.

We have been keeping careful records of our rainfall at Green Pastures for 21 years. In the first two months of 2021 we received 184 mm so we are 24% down on last year on this date. Please pray for more rain for Green Pastures.

Yesterday afternoon at 5 pm a man was gunned down and murdered at Curral Velho (Old Cow Pen) where EAB/ACEV has a church led by Ramos & Tica. The killing took place not far from our church in this old fashioned wild-west type small town or village. Please pray for peace to be restored and justice to be done as regards the killer. May nothing happen to hinder the progress of the Gospel at Curral Velho.

Thank you for your prayers for Liz. Her foot is a lot less swollen and she is limping a lot less. Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for the service last night in Patos. I enjoyed leading the service last night and had fun with my sign language (I'm hopeless!) as the deaf pastor's wife Jessica had her birthday so I clapped her in sign language! Sacha led the praise and worship absolutely beautifully and the assistant pastor Rafael preached the Gospel. It was a lovely service.    

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