Friday, 26 March 2021


 Our eldest daughter Deborah had her birthday yesterday so Liz cooked her lunch for her and her sons and we took it to them. Whereas we would have had a meal together in normal times we had to take it to her house yesterday duly masked!

It looked good for rain yesterday with lovely dark clouds, but sadly again it just promised rain which didn't fall. I was talking to Valdemar this morning at Caroá and there they have had 425 mm of rain, whereas we have only had 236 mm at Green Pastures! Difficult times.

Dr. Izar Aximoff is a post-PhD biologist in Rio de Janeiro and he has contacted me proposing that he write a scientific article on the Green Pasture mammals which I have accepted. We have now started work together on this. It will be produced in both Portuguese and English so I'll let you know when it's available.

Last night's Bible Study in the book of Philippians had just over 20 taking part including Philip from the UK. We use Google Meet for such meetings and all went very well.

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