Thursday, 11 March 2021


Yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from a nun called Sister Aparecida who is the headteacher of a Roman Catholic School run by a convent. Sister Aparecida told me that a network of convents would be having a regional meeting and they would like me to speak to them! I gladly agreed and so today I prepared a message and recorded it on video. Please pray. Such relationships build up over years and we praise God for this open door.

Yesterday was the first day we had over 2,000 covid deaths in 24 hours in Brazil. We had no less than 2,349 deaths! How terribly sad this is but still the national government refuses to act. Our President Bolsonaro is a disaster.

85 year old Silvino from our Manaira church is worse in hospital with Covid at Serra Talhada, I have been told by his pastor Francinaldo today. Please pray. However good news on 40 year old Manassés in João Pessoa is that he has been sent home much better from hospital. Praise God!

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