We have received photos from our Action Schools at Flores, Caroá and Matureia showing the joy of poor children receiving food hampers for their families together with hygiene kits and lessons for the children to do at home in the light of the pandemic.
I have been talking to Pastor Betinho at Ibiara about the deaconess Samara there who attempted suicide. I am glad to report that she is much better and steadily improving. She has asked forgiveness for what she did but said everything had got on top of her so much. She now asks for the pastor and others from the church to come and have little services at her home and she sings with them. She is being given support from a psychiatrist too so we have much to thank God for.
Our EAB/ACEV pastor Umbirajara, who has Covid in João Pessoa, still stands in need of our prayers. He continues with a high temperature, has some discomfort with breathing and has viral pneumonia affecting 25% of his lungs.
We have had a little more rain with 5 mm on Monday and 8 mm on Tuesday so we are now up to a total of 307 mm this year. Please pray for some big heavy rains for us at Green Pastures.
Brazil finds itself amidst great political tension because President Bolsonaro sacked the Minister of Defense who is an army General. He sacked him because he rightly refused to attack the High Court over a recent decision which the president didn't like. The general also refused to attack lockdown which the crazy president is also against. So once Bolsonaro sacked the Minister of Defense the chiefs of the army, navy and airforce all resigned in solidarity with the Minister of Defense. This news is the first item of news on the BBC World News today. Please pray for Brazil.