Saturday, 13 September 2014

Sleep over

That our different grandchildren sleep at our house from time to time is common knowledge and we love it. Every Friday night Alice and Bia, for example, sleep at our house because their mum Sacha has to teach early on Saturday morning so it would be impossible for her to give the girls breakfast etc. and get to the School - and her husband goes early to work too. 

However last night it was a bit different because Alice (aged 7) came and asked us in the week if she could have two friends from school with her in a sleep over. We agreed, so last night we had Julia and Clara joining the ranks! They are the same age as Alice and all worked out very well. They were well behaved and quiet. We noticed that Bia was a bit jealous of sharing her sister, but we managed to overcome that!

As always happened with me as a kid when I got excited, Alice was up early this morning being sick. Bless her! However she is fine now and the sleep over has gone into a play over or whatever! It is lovely when we see our grandchildren enjoying being at our house - even the older ones!

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