Monday, 22 September 2014

Journalist from Washington DC with us in Patos

Talk about hectic days! Crumbs! Yesterday was incredible! I spent the whole morning preparing Raquel's funeral service. Then straight after lunch Liz and I headed for Pastor Edson's wake on the way to conduct Raquel's funeral.

Pastor Edson (Baptist) was converted from spiritism and a few months after conversion asked to start study at the Patos Bible College as a mature student with no time to lose. I broke all the rules about at least 2 years as a Christian prior to entering the college and it was the right decision. The man turned into an excellent pastor and exceptional Gospel communicator on radio. However on Saturday out of the blue God said his time was up and took him home. We praise the Lord for his life and ministry.

Raquel's funeral went off well with an excellent crowd present. We then went to the cemetery. Then we had a quick cuppa before getting to our evening service which I led and school teacher Jarbas preached. Philip led the worship on his own as he had no time to set anything else up.

This morning I was at Green Pastures by 7am and did a couple of hours work with the environmental people. Then this afternoon a journalist arrived from the USA to see our projects and discuss our Christian environment mix. He will be with us till Thursday. Never a dull moment!

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