Monday, 29 September 2014

Lovely walk

I had a wonderful walk at Green Pastures Reserve this morning and to see the Brazilian native Mulungu tree (Erythrina mulungu) in all its glorious orange blossom was fantastic! Birds were almost lining up to feed from the blossom! I have planted many seedlings of this tree and am producing more now, so in a few years time it will be a glorious sight.

There were other trees in flower as well this morning and some beautiful blue wild flowers also. But at the lake there were a large number of Brazilian Teals which are so beautiful in flight with their blue wings glinting in the morning sun. Amazing!

Last night in the Patos church the service was good and at the end two people made commitments to Christ. PTL! The deaf pastor Luiz Carlos also told me that on Saturday night there were no less than 35 deaf folk in the main deaf service of the week. Fantastic!

A ministry which is developing more and more for me (on top of everything else - but I am very happy about it) is that of ministry to people online. People contact me asking for prayer and I always pray for them on the spot so as not to end up forgetting. I think that this thing about "I'll be praying for you" without actually doing it is a bit of a spiritual rip off. At other times people want advice on problems or encouragement. Sometimes I know the people involved and other times I don't, but the Lord knows them all. Thus recently it has been especially nice to minister to EAB founder Albert Mundy's granddaughter Beverley who had spent years away from God. Last night she was in the main EAB/ACEV church in João Pessoa where she lives, and came back to God. PTL!

I have learnt today of the death of Liz's cousin Paul Dyer who lived in Australia. He was 64. It was good to know he had come back to God some time ago and that his sister Ruth and her husband Stan were with him on a visit from the UK when he died. Our prayers are with all the family.

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