Saturday, 2 March 2024

Rain count

Here is our rain count for this rainy season, with last year's amounts in brackets: December 100 mm (67), January 103 mm (94), February 160 mm (147). Thus you can see that so far we are up a bit on last year.

I both led the mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study and gave the Bible study on Romans 12:9-15. It was a lovely service with 30 present.

I went for a nice walk at Green Pastures and it is lovely to see everything so lush and green with the rains. The birds are hiperactive nesting with some species already into their second nest this rainy season. I heard a Tropical Screech Owl and a Pigmy Owl as well as a Southern Wren. I saw a Pale Baywing and a Caatinga Cachalote.

Francisco, who works at Green Pastures, hung his leather gloves, used to handle thorny cactus plants, in a tree. However one of the gloves he left quite low and in the night a fox came and stole the glove! The markings from the fox were clear for all to see. So if you see a fox wearing only one glove please tell it that we have the other one! 😉

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