Tuesday, 29 March 2022


The services went well on Sunday. The main service of the week at night saw a good number present. We had one elderly sister who arrived early and fainted. We called an ambulance, but it was not necessary for her to go to hospital. We learnt later that it was all from stress with her son who was involved in a shooting a little earlier when men tried to kill him. Her son is involved in gang warfare and is always armed. (I have deliberately not used names here)

The service itself went off beautifully with excellent praise and worship. I led the service. In the worship band were Ricardinho on bass guitar, Rogaciano on guitar, Tiago on lead-guitar and Biba on drums. Vocals were with Sacha, Mariana and Segundo. A special moment in the service was when granddaughter Alice brought a 5-minute meditation from Psalm 51. The sermon was preached by assistant pastor Rafael on Isaiah 43.

Liz spent two hours counselling our Patos school headteacher Gerlânia yesterday. Liz feels it went well and that she was able to help her. I spent the day preparing a sermon on Mark 5.  

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