Friday, 25 March 2022


Our 14-year-old granddaughter Alice has switched schools this week as she starts her first year of senior high school. Alice, who looks 18, now goes to the Roman Catholic school called Cristo Rei (Christ is King). She was unhappy with the teaching at her former school. Alice will be speaking this Sunday in the 5-minute "youth spot" in the main service. We value your prayers for all our grandchildren.

Last night our 20-year-old grandson Arthur travelled to São Paulo. He was the first person from our family to have flown on the new daily flights from Patos to Recife. From there he got the connecting flight on to São Paulo and was in São Paulo from Patos in less time than it would have taken him to travel by road from Patos to Recife.

Yesterday a lovely service was held at the village of Travessia in the County of Manaira. The service was held in their new church which we built last year.

Also yesterday we inaugurated the latest well at Macambira dos Lúcios Community in Tavares County and held the thanksgiving service with the preaching of the Gospel. A good crowd gathered from the community. The dedication prayer of the well was done around the well and the service was held in the community centre run by the local leaders. It was a joyful and blessed time together praising God for this well.

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