Saturday, 15 January 2022


Our brother and co-leader of the EAB/ACEV church at Curral Velho (Old Cow Pen), Severino Ramos, will be graduating from Bible College on February 5th. Ramos, as we all know him, leads the church with his wife Tica. The graduation service will be held in our church at Itaporanga. 

Last night Louisa's Pug dog was barking in our back garden quite a lot and eventually we realized why. There was an owl looking down at it from a nearby lamp post. I am not sure if the Owl was thinking of attacking the dog, but we brought him indoors to be on the safe side.

Thursday afternoon brought 35 mm (almost one and a half inches) of most welcome rain to Green Pastures, whilst in Patos (only 20 km away) it didn't rain. 

Thursday night's Bible study saw the completion of the study of the book of James. We will now move to the first epistle of John.

Yesterday afternoon Liz and I drove out to Green Pastures to have a walk and saw a Roadside Hawk on the way. However we didn't get our walk in as the place was hit by a lovely storm with 20 mm of rain, thunder and lightning. Our chickens had laid us a dozen nice fresh eggs so we came home and ate some of them for our evening meal.

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